Restricted Party Screening
A Restricted Party is an individual or company considered to be an unfavorable trade partner by one of the many jurisdictions that issue official listings of these parties. The United States, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, the European Union and the United Nations all issue lists of restricted or denied parties. In today’s security and customs compliance conscious environment, importers and exporters are held accountable for ensuring their trade partners do not appear on any of the various screening lists. Tradeflow offers multiple solutions to assist our customers with managing their trade partner compliance through our Trade Reference or Trade Partner modules.
One-Time Verification
This solution is best when you are dealing with a one-time, non-repetitive trade partner and you need to confirm that they are not on any Denied Party lists. The query results are instantly displayed on our platform and supporting documentation of the restricted party is generated.
Single Look Up
This solution is ideal for infrequent shipments from known trade partners. This query gives you the search capability to screen a particular trade partner against the various government Denied Party lists. If there are potential matches found, you can determine if any of the matches are valid and flag them accordingly. The user can flag the party as Not Matched; or if there is a match, the Trade Partner can be flagged as Restricted or Conditionally Matched (based on the circumstances). If no determination is made, the Trade Partner will remain in a Pending Review status.
Mass Screening
This solution is optimal for shippers who have a product base with known, repetitive trading partners. This solution allows for periodic re-screening of your entire Trade Partner database. This process is similar to a Single Look Up, except with this process, you can screen multiple Trade Partners against the various government lists in one action. Upon completion of the batch, an email is sent identifying the potential matches. These Trade Partners are placed in a Pending Review Status until a determination is made. An audit trail of all screenings are in the organization’s Trade Partner database for future reference.
Automated Process
This solution is ideal for high volume shippers who want to manage their Trade Partner compliance in a more proactive and efficient manner. Similar to Mass Screening, the advantage of this process is automation. At each interval, Tradeflow will audit your Trade Partner database for any changes, and compare the net changes against the various restricted party lists. Tradeflow applications are integrated and flexible. A user is not restricted to one solution. For a high risk commodity, a user may choose to manage their screenings on a pre-scheduled, automated process; but has the flexibility to use a one-time verification or single look up if needed.
Forced Labor Enforcement Actions
Forced labor has been a persistent topic in the world of supply chain for years but has grown in significance since around 2016 due in part to legislative actions taken in the United States. In light of the recent implentation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, Tradeflow is committed to being a knowledgeable trade partner and compliant resource for our customers.
Visit our Forced Labor Enforcement Actions webpage to learn how denied party screening helps importers and exporters strategize to stay compliant.
Module based subscriptions.
Pay for only what you need.
Tradeflow facilitates activities such as global product classification, landed cost estimation, regulatory controls research, compliance management, electronic booking, document creation, and restricted party screening. Our platform has four integrated modules that you work together in a flexible manner. Customize the platform to fit your needs rather than being locked into a long term contract.
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Our experienced sales team can help you determine the right modules for your compliance needs and get you up and running in as little as 30 days.
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