Global Trade Alerts

Tradeflow monitors how the global trade landscape is constantly changing so you don't have to.

16 July 2024
New HS Code Updates Released for July 2024

Over 2,000 HS updates and 40,000 duty rates were released this month, spanning across sixteen countries. In the United States alone, there were 1,011 HS updates and 974 duty rates released.  Tradeflow receives content for these mid-year HS updates to ensure an accurate, compliant declaration process.

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31 May 2024
APHIS Set to Begin Phase 7 Lacey Act Import Declaration Enforcement on Dec. 1

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service plans to begin its seventh phase of enforcement of Lacey Act import declaration requirements on Dec. 1, it said in a notice that includes a list of tariff provisions included under phase seven and seeks comments on product coverage. Comments are due July 30. If APHIS makes changes based on those comments, it will publish those changes in the Federal Register and give “industries affected by those changes” at least six months notice “to facilitate compliance with the new requirements.”

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12 March 2024
AAFA Calls on President Biden to Restart Labor Negotiations for East Coast, Gulf Coast Ports

The American Apparel and Footwear Association called on President Joe Biden to help restart labor contract negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance, in a letter dated March 12. The labor contract covering East Coast and Gulf Coast ports expires at the end of September, and the negotiations have been stalled since March 2023, the AAFA said.

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12 March 2024
Commerce Dept. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Notices for March 12

The Commerce Department published notices in the Federal Register March 12 on the following AD/CV duty proceedings (any notices that announce changes to AD/CV duty rates, scope, affected firms or effective dates will be detailed in another ITT article).

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12 March 2024
EU 'Committed' to Passing New Supply Chain Due Diligence Rules, Belgian Presidency Says

Members of the European Parliament this week disagreed on the best path forward for new EU-wide supply chain due diligence rules, although an official with the Belgian presidency said it believes the EU can reach a compromise before the end of the current parliament’s term in April.

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12 February 2024
New and Revised FDA Import Alerts for Feb. 7

On Feb. 7, the FDA posted new and revised versions of the following Import Alerts on the detention without physical examination of: 99-38: Low-Acid Canned Foods or Acidified Foods due to Inadequate Process Control.

More details can be found Here.
08 January 2024
CBP Issued Harmonized System Update

CBP created Harmonized System Update (HSU) 2400 Jan. 5, containing 397 ABI records and 77 Harmonized Tariff Schedule records, as well as HSU 2401 on Jan. 8, containing 383 ABI records and 73 Harmonized Tariff Records. HSU 2400 and 2401 include the missing 2024 HTS updates that were part of the end of year 484(f) changes, CBP said in a CSMS message on Jan. 8.

The CSMS message can be found here.
08 January 2024
China launches antidumping investigation on brandy from EU

On 5 January 2024, the Ministry of Commerce of China (“MOFCOM”) initiated an antidumping investigation of brandy imported from the European Union (“EU”).

Key facts about the investigation can be found here.
11 December 2023
DHS Adds 3 to UFLPA Entity List, Including 2 Outside Xinjiang

DHS is adding three more Chinese companies to the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act entity list for their participation in forced labor transfer programs, including two based outside the Xinjiang province of China. One, Sichuan Jingweida Technology Group, based in Sichuan, produces “magnetic devices including network transformers, network filters, power transformers, inductors, radio frequency filters, and other devices,” DHS said in a news release. “Jingweida Technology is a documented participant in government-sponsored labor transfer programs,” working with the government of Awati County in Xinjiang to “transfer persecuted ethnic minorities from Awati County to Jingweida Technology,” DHS said. Another, Anhui Xinya New Materials, is based in Anhui. It produces “functional fibers, special fiber yarns, other textile materials made with hemp and materials made with cotton, wool, Tencel, and other products,” DHS said. “Xinya New Materials worked with an established government-sponsored labor transfer program, Xinjiang Aid, to recruit and transfer persecuted minorities from Pishan County in Xinjiang to work in its facility in Anhui Province.” The third company, Cofco Sugar Holdings, is headquartered in Xinjiang. The sugar refiner, producer and importer also “trades and produces various agricultural products, including sugar, fruit (including tomatoes), and vegetable processing.” DHS said Cofco “participated in government-sponsored poverty alleviation and cooperated with the local government to complete labor transfers.” The company “has visited the homes of persecuted minorities in a Xinjiang village for recruiting these persecuted minorities to work in one of its facilities,” DHS said.

More details here.
14 November 2023
CBP Releases Tip Sheet for Filing EPA Hydrofluorocarbons

On November 14, 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published an updated tip sheet on new filing obligations for importing bulk hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act. This tip sheet provides an overview of HFC regulatory requirements, a current list of Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes for HFCs, instructions on how to file in Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) and examples of documents to upload in the Document Image System (DIS). CBP confirmed in a companion Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) message that HFC ACE filing requirements are expected to be in production in early January 2024.

The published ‘Tips for Filing an HFC Import in ACE’ sheet can be found here.