Products / Software Overview

Software Overview

Tradeflow empowers you to streamline your global trade process. We’ve integrated all the necessary modules into one platform, so you can manage your entire process from start to finish. Our platform is easy to use and helps you save time and money. You’ll be able to make more informed decisions with our comprehensive data and analytics tools while remaining compliant with all relevant regulations.

The Avon company has been using Tradeflow for 10+ years, it became our daily tool to generate shipping documentations for multiples ship from locations and destinations, we also utilize the Product Management module to manage our product classification database and maintain the suppliers information in Trade partner Centre. As a long term customer, we have built a strong partnership with Tradeflow.
– Zoey Yang, Customs Compliance Analyst | Avon

Trade Reference

Up-to-date information on classifications, estimation of landed costs and the ability to screen trade partners. This allows users to strategically source their products, focus on the upstream planning of their supply chain and conduct compliance monitoring. 

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Trade Partner

Our centralized repository stores all the important details for each of your vendors, manufacturers, consignees, freight forwarders and other commercial parties. This information allows us to be your optimal trade partner and can be used throughout the Tradeflow system by multiple centers for different purposes. 

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Product Management

A central location to store product information and cross border attributes, as well as the ability to share this data with other Tradeflow users. You’ll be able to improve communication between departments, speed up the process of getting products to market, and reduce the chances of costly mistakes.

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Shipment Management

Electronically book shipments, create import notifications, and generate and upload documents. You can also use it to distribute the booking data and documents to your trade partners. Leveraging shipment management will save you a significant amount of time allowing your team greater productivity.

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