Trade Partner
Tradeflow’s Trade Partner module is a tech-enabled, managed service that acts as a centralized repository to store all the important details for your vendors, manufacturers and other commercial parties. With optional system integration, companies can quickly and easily leverage the platform to improve essential business processes. We make it easy for you to get up and running with minimal disruption to your day-to-day business activities.

Restricted Party Screening
Many governments and international entities have identified individuals, companies and organizations which are prohibited from receiving or delivering shipments and payments.
Importers and exporters need to take proper steps to ensure they do not engage in business transactions with restricted/denied parties. The Trade Partner module provides the platform to manage a company-wide screening process.
Automating your trade partner screening against the ongoing list changes saves a lot of extra work by avoiding manually searching the array of government websites. And with an array of options and settings, you can establish a rigorous screening process that tailors to your company risk threshold.

Commercial Documents
The Trade Partner module provides the centralized address book, along with other details that are useful in managing shipments and generating commercial documents. By identifying the type of each trade partner (e.g., Exporter or Consignee), you can build up your name and address information for shipment execution.

Vendor & Manufacturers of Products
Customers using the separate Product Management module often benefit from associating vendors and manufacturers to product/sku records. For single sourcing scenarios, multi-sourcing and for facilitating Partner Government Agency detail, the integration of trade partner data to product data provides greater depth of your trade data.

Secure 3rd Party User Access
Using the Trade Partner module, companies can share restricted access with vendors, customers and service providers. If trade partner vendors are linked to products, the access can restrict the vendor user to only see those specific products. A comprehensive audit trail that shows detailed historical changes by user provides a way to review the updates made to trade partners.